

I don’t get movie nights very often with Steve. He’s a shift worker so often works nights and we often have a four year old refusing to go to sleep as well. It can get quite annoying – movie nights are just no fun on your own – so I was eager to take part in this campaign to ‘make my movie night’.

What’s great about modern technology is that we have much easier access to TV and movies now than we did back when I was a child so me and Steve can have a ‘movie night’ during the day if we so wished when Jack is at school or at silly o’clock in the morning. There is so much choice and its so quick – much better than when Steve and I used to head to Blockbusters to choose a film when we first started dating – yes, it was that long ago!

With Sky having recently released Sky Cinema (which we have taken advantage ofย multiple times on afternoons when Jack has just got home from school and wants to chill out) and the popularity of certain internet streaming services (which I also tend to take advantage of when Steve is on nights and Jack is in bed, binge watching series), we can have a movie night whenever we want and as quickly as we want – which is great!

We were sent a fabulous bundle of movie night goodies in order for us to have our own movie night and wow, was the bundle super generous!


We had a great time putting our cosy socks on and hiding under our fluffy blanket/throw. Of course, the wine is still chilling in the fridge seeing as I cannot drink it until January but I am sure Steve or one of my friends will snaffle it before long!


Could three better films have been chosen for a movie night? Well for Steve possibly.. I’m sure he doesn’t need to see me swoon over Patrick Swayze for the billionth time – always Patrick Swayze over Richard Gere, am I right? But I’m allowed the odd girly movie night right? Especially when I have to put up with his action thrillers half the time or find myself watching some spoof for the trillionth time!

But that’s the beauty of technology today, isn’t it? We can turn on our TV and either head to Sky Cinema (who’ve recently become a contact of Contact Numbers, a customer services telephone directory who’ve published a great post about must-see TV shows and films to stream this Autumn) or another TV service or perhaps even login to our account with an internet streaming service and watch that film or TV show straight away. We’ve all seen how mad social media gets when a certain film or TV show gets released on a certain platform and everyone rushes to watch it – and that’s brilliant. The films and TV shows we like are so much more accessible nowadays than when I was younger meaning you can never be bored.

What would your perfect movie night consist of?

Items sent to help with creation of this post.

9 thoughts on “#MakeMyMovieNight

  1. My movie night would consist of a rom com or a Tim Burton movie and then so much food: popcorn, fizzy sweets, popcorn, the works x

  2. That is the perfect night in pack! For me it would be popcorn, gummy bears and binge watching a TV show!

  3. What a great box of goodies – seriously, they are three of my most favourite films right there! I love movie nights with my children ๐Ÿ™‚ Kaz x

  4. Sarah (Mum x3x) says:

    What a fabulous box! GHOST is one of my absolute favourite movies. Love the cosy socks, such a great idea ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Three of my favourite films there in that bundle, I would have been very chuffed with this x

  6. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE movie nights! Especially cuddling up with the girls to watch the latest Disney animation. If left to my own devices, I’m a ‘lights-switched-off-watching-a-horror’ kind of girl. x

  7. I too watch movies at strange times of days because I am on shift work as well. Nothing wrong with that ๐Ÿ™‚

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